Friday, August 31, 2007

The First week..

We have successfully completed the first week in the program. It was really good. The following are the highlights:

1. Strategy case discussion for 4 hours continuously. You can not complain. This was the best of the week.
2. Operations case discussion: Started off on a well note with a case.
3. Corporate Finance: Again, words coming out from the professor who has been consulting for Intel
4. Accounting: You can never feel you are learning Accounting. He is agile(he is a basket ball player and loves to play with students) and can call your name and ask you to explain the transaction. So you will be on your toes.
5. Critical thinking: A comic way of teaching teaching the interesting yet intriguing subject.

There are many more..We are able to go through all these and just had a small party at home..Looking forward to the great excitement of clubs and academies..