Sunday, October 14, 2007

Seventh Week..

The three things that matter to you in life and career are
1. Curiosity
2. Passion
3. Integrity.

We had a guest for our Sunday’s AIW kick-off. He is an alum of Kelley and had worked with A.T.Kearney for 18 years. He retired as the head of the firm. He worked all over the world and his story of his life has been amazing.

The past week is one with mixed results. The economics and Critical thinking results were out and I did not fare really well on those. Indeed I fared blow the mean. That’s a huge concern. Also, we submitted the Marketing memo on Colgate and it’s been really tough to come up with the recommendations. We worked from 2 PM to 11 PM over the last Sunday and so we were comfortable submitting that on Tuesday.

Similarly, we worked a lot on Quant assignment also. SO, we had an easy time submitting it on Saturday.

I had a couple of friends visiting me on Friday and we did go to Indianapolis and had some fun. We planned to go for an Indian movie in Indianapolis. Unfortunately I could not go. But, my friends went to the movie and came back to Bloomington again. We went to the Indian restaurant over here and it’s really good. I took some rest after that and went to bed a little early at 10 PM.

We did go to Wal-Mart on Sunday and I bought some essential stuff as the winter is on the horizon. All in all it is a good week and how can I miss to mention about the Finance midterm on last Friday? It seems I did pretty well on the exam. I really believe that Finance is one of my core competencies and I am really curious about the results.