Monday, December 31, 2007

Wish you a happy new year..

First of all, I wish the readers of my blog a very happy new year. The same day last year, I was thinking whether I will be able to maintain the blog. I am ale to do it thanks for the continued support from the readers.
Coming to my chores in New Jersey, it was a good week if not great. I spent a couple of days with my cousin in Princeton, NJ. We cooked chicken, did watch Cheeni Kum and roamed around.
I got a new pair of creative speakers (T3100) from my cousin as a gift. I love them. I am just waiting to go back to Bloomington to have a blast with them.Finally, I pray god to give me the strength to face the challenges and put me through the problems that can challenge me at every critical point in my life. This will make my life so beautiful as it has been in the past 25 years of my existence.
Good luck to one and all..

The Indian Alchemist.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

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